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Writer's pictureAntiques in Oxford

Antiques second-hand and sustainable

Antiques have a huge environmental advantage as they are sustainable. When you buy second-hand you are saving tonnes of carbon emissions compared with buying new.

Auction Technology Group has produced the first formal assessment for 10 years to quantify the environmental benefits of buying antique, vintage and second-hand items.

Did you know that buying a second-hand watch saves 0.8 tonnes of carbon emissions compared to buying new?

The average person in the UK uses 13 tonnes per year (which includes consumption and travel) so saving almost a tonne in 1 purchase of buying a second-hand watch is a significant contribution to reducing personal carbon emissions.

Other notable carbon emission savings for other second-hand purchases include one gemstone ring 0.42 tonnes, sofas 0.56 tonnes, dining tables 0.46 tonnes and chest of drawers 0.32 tonnes.

The other advantage for antique furniture is it lasts longer as it is better made and more sturdy than modern equivalents. You probably need 2 modern tables to one antique table. You are effectively doubling the carbon saving.

To give an example of the huge savings:

In one year of auctions 341,972 gemstone rings were sold saving 143,628 in emissions (tonnes).

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